Information pursuant to § 5 TMG:
NanoelektronikZentrumDresden GmbH
Maria-Reiche-Straße 1
D-01109 Dresden
phone +49 (0) 351 – 8547 8670
mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dresden District Court
Trade register no. (HRB): HRB 26168
VAT ID no.: DE 255924329
Managing Director: Dr. Torsten Fahrig
Photo credit
NanoelektronikZentrumDresden GmbH
Website layout & programming
MedienTeam Dresden GmbH
Forststraße 2a
D-01099 Dresden
Telefon: 0351-2137000
Telefax: 0351-2137010
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NanoelektronikZentrumDresden GmbH endeavours to ensure the accuracy of all the information and data contained on these pages. However, NanoelektronikZentrumDresden GmbH will not be held responsible for the liability or warranty for the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information and data provided. This also applies to all other website pages which are referred to via hyperlinks. NanoelektronikZentrumDresden GmbH is not responsible for the content of such websites which can be reached through such links. We expressly disassociate ourselves from all contents.
NanoelektronikZentrumDresden GmbH reserves the right to carry out changes and amendments to the available information or data without notification.
The copyright for the contents of the NanoelektronikZentrumDresden GmbH website is reserved. The reproduction of information or data, particularly the use of text, parts of text or images requires prior consent from NanoelektronikZentrumDresden GmbH.
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