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    The Technology and Start-up Center NANOCENTER

    Founders and young start-ups with their focus on microelectronics and
    nanotechnology – There is no better place to get support, advice and key information but:

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    The Technology and Start-up Center NANOCENTER

    Founders and young start-ups with their focus on microelectronics and
    nanotechnology – There is no better place to get support, advice and key information but:



Situated in the north of Dresden, the NanoelektronikZentrumDresden GmbH as the operator of the NANOCENTER, a technology center first and foremost for young start-ups and founders, dedicates its work to supporting and giving advice to young entrepreneurs in the field of microelectronics and nanotechnology.

On an effective area of approx. 8,000 square meters it hosts more than 25 commercial tenants ...

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Approximately another 2,000 m2 of user-specific, divisible usable area are currently being planned and prepared for tendering ...

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Selected impressions of the premises

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